Wednesday, January 14, 2015

How to create an error request

This post will familiarize you with the error request process.

DISCLAIMER: If you do request an error correctly, I do not guarantee I will use it in an episode of Microsoft Sam reads Funny Windows Errors.

Onwards to the tutorial.

Go to This is the primary website generators. While there are likely others, less prominent generators may be on websites infected with malicious software. Type in the text for the title, message, and if applicable, buttons.

Generate the error. Scroll down to where it says "Copy this link to send this page to a friend" and copy that link.

Go to my YouTube channel. Click the About tab.

Click the "Send Message" button.
NOTE: If for some reason your YouTube account is not linked to a Google+ page, you cannot send me or anyone else a private message.

Paste the link in the message. Once that's done, send the message.

That's it.

Alternatively, you may send an error request through my Facebook page. Errors submitted in the comments section of videos will not be accepted under any circumstance.

Back to Basics

This looks familiar. I am back on Blogger after several years of using WordPress, which consisted of eight posts between April 2010 and May 2013. Not exactly the most active blog. My main problem with WordPress is that it's a bit too convoluted for my liking. Blogger seems more straightforward without the need to sift through a mountain of customization settings.

For those who've been around my channel since 2008, I've owned this blog since December 2008, and I posted nearly a hundred posts. However, many of those parts are of extremely poor quality. A quality that I now find cringe-worthy. For this reason, it's time for a restart. This will be the first post on the restarted Thunderbirds101 blog. I'll probably use this blog for rambling on current events, for reviewing games and movies, and for posting some other material I hope you'll enjoy.

My WordPress blog will no longer be updated. All future blog posts will be found here.